Author: delicious
links for 2007-09-24
Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden …
links for 2007-09-23
Google’s goal – to fight Facebook by being even more open than the Facebook Platform. If Facebook is 98% open, Google wants to be 100%.
Web 2.0 is proof that the Internet has stopped evolving and stabilized as a platform. Its very very difficult to develop applications on a platform that is ever changing. To days Internet is stable specifically because its now boring.
Big images have replaced gobs of text. Video is now in Flash instead of Windows Media. We have Facebook and YouTube. But that’s pretty the only difference. Fresh content is still sparse; the blogs are if anything even less ambitious than they were in 2004
links for 2007-09-22
Da bin ich aber mal gespannt ob das genauso unzuverlässig funktioniert wie das restliche „Programm“.
Andere Verlage schicken sowas als „Innovations-Projekt“ in die Hauspolitik. Q1/2008 mit Spannung erwartend …
links for 2007-09-21
(tags: dailylinks)
Der Mann mit der Fliege geht: ZDF-Wettermann Uwe Wesp verabschiedet sich vom Bildschirm. Der dienstälteste Fernsehmeteorologe macht seine letzte Wettervorhersage am 29. September.
Alternatively, some of these people are just freeloaders, who simply don’t want to pay for anything on the Web and still believe that old canard that „content wants to be free.“
Gehörst Du zu den Menschen, die, wenn sie z.B. frisches Brot kaufen, obwohl sie noch 5 Scheiben da haben, trotzdem erst das alte aufessen, bevor sie sich an das neue ranmachen?
don’t make any money on it. Use it as a way to build brand recognition or positive karma.
links for 2007-09-20
links for 2007-07-31
Nice tool for plazes, facebook, twitter, frazr etc.
And more info on the PresenceRouter … like it a lot
links for 2007-07-16
The CTR rate is irrelevant: the CPM cost for businesses on Second Life is insane: simply even for the very best, the figures don’t add up.(tags: marketing secondlife)
links for 2007-07-10
Hyperlocal is about “community,†sure, but on the Web it’s more about utility — hyperlocal is where we lead our daily lives and all the things we need to get done. We need to know where to live, where to find the zoo, where to eat out, where to pl
links for 2007-07-09
It’s a free virtual flowers site. Users can send a virtual bouquet to any email address (even without registering). The recipient sees the bouquet and can choose to put it in their Greenhouse on the site by registering. They then must return every few d
„Unser hoher Kerntechnik-Stand in Deutschland macht es möglich, dass wir unsere jetzigen Kraftwerke noch eine ganze Weile weiter laufen lassen können.“
„Die Familie Seehofer bleibt zusammen.“ – diese Nachricht gehört definitiv in das Ressort Politik!!!(tags: ichweissnichtgenau misplaced)
Wie die Britische Agentur Informa herausgefunden hat, verteilen sich diese 3 Milliarden SIM-Karten auf bloss 2.3 Milliarden Nutzer.(tags: mobile statistics)
Spiegel Online eruiere die Möglichkeit, in den Markt mit lokalen Nachrichten und folglich lokaler Werbung einzusteigen, heißt es.
Use your mobile site as your personal podium to the world, a convenient mobile dashboard to all you find important or as a space to build and manage a mobile community. Create a mobile edition of your blog, journal or news service.
In its 2007 survey, CNW found cell phones the most popular possession among youth, followed by electronic games at 27%, iPods at 26%, footwear at 24% and computers at 23%, with cars at the 20% mark.